First of all...
Welcome to Peoples Web
And thank you for showing your interest in this site and what it stands for.
What is Peoples Web
Most of us have suffered losses in form of friends or familiy due to cancer, and all of us know how difficult it can be to see one close to you wither away.
The only positive side of cancer is the chance for us to say goodbye to one close to you.
This site is dedicated to the memmories of those we have lost and to remind us to keep looking forward and to keep seeking answers.
On the page "
In loving memmory" those close to my familiy will be remembered with a short story, and if anybody else would want their loved ones taken by cancer to be listed here i will gladly add their story to the page.
My background
My wife and I have both lost our fathers to cancer. Within a year, we had to see our fathers give up on a disease that so far cannot be cured for sure.
Although I did not personally have much to do with my father, it gives me an extra perspective to say goodbye to a severely weakened father who was only the shadow of himself.
Today's medicine can do a lot and help some get healthy and others can live a life with cancer ... but if we look at both better treatment and why we get cancer then we might have a better chance of winning.
Our help and donations can help researchers and doctors improve cancer treatment and hopefully help cure cancer completely.
Support the course
A lot organisations is supporting either the wictims of cancer, those who is left behind and/or the research in curing cancer, and sinse cancer by now is one of the most common courses of death in Denmark i think it is worth contributing to.
Below i have gatheret a list of organisations with links to their webpages:
Kræftens bekæmpelse (Danish Cancer Society)
One in every three Danes contract cancer at some point in their lives. Two in three have a relative suffering from cancer. Faced with these figures, the Danish Cancer Society aims to unite the Danish population in a strong, active effort against cancer.
Støt brysterne
1 in 9 Danish women are affected by breast cancer during their lifetime.
This means that almost 4,700 women in Denmark get breast cancer every year. It also means that we have to stand together and support each other, to get the number down.
Dansk Brystkræft Organisation, DBO
"Dansk Brystkræft Organisation", DBO, is an independent nationwide association that works for breast cancer sufferers in Denmark to get a quick and accurate diagnosis, a specialized treatment and an effective rehabilitation. All members have or have had breast cancer.
Knæk cancer
"Knæk Cancer" is an ambitious headline. But that is nevertheless the goal that TV 2 and the Danish Cancer Society have set. Not alone, but with the Danes, for cancer is a common cause that requires a joint effort. We cannot do miracles - but we will try.
We give hope to children with cancer and their families
As long as there are children dying from cancer or get a difficult life after treatment, support for families, research and education is needed.
- ... more might come in the future
So, all in all it is in my opinion important to have focus on cancer. Not just those who get cancer, the research and those left behind... but also what courses cancer.
There are no moral lecture here, only my voice and opinion put online with the hope that we all can fight it from course to (hopefulle) a future cure.
Kind regards
Casper H. Quitzau